Exciting news- the Houston Chronicle just changed their "Politics" page to "Politics and 2012 election news coverage" page! While this may not seem like a big deal to some, it most certainly has to be for any avid election junkies who are unlucky enough to subscribe to the Chron. That all changed though as the paper finally saddled up their horse and entered the race here. They have seemingly gone out- borrowing every AP article out there (you can't expect them to dedicate their own reporters to covering the election- let's not get crazy here) and having a really fun (yet rudimentary) graphic about possible Vice Presidential candidates. In the list, they include New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and others. 

The Chron's site does this neat thing where they list all these possibilities, and then gives little blurbs as to why they may be applicable candidates for Romney in November. It is also important to note that the paper has almost completely written off all other candidates but Romney. They have begun to focus their coverage on the upcoming race between President Obama and Governor Romney. With the Municipal Elections and then the Texas Primary coming up both in early and late May respectively, it should be interesting to keep following the paper and watch the continued shift towards more election coverage. I'm most excited for the day that something election-coverage based makes the front page of the website. 
Last Thursday, during my normal class time, Allison, Sara (two of my classmates) and I visited WISN-TV, which is Milwaukee's local ABC affiliate station. We were tasked with retrieving public documents detailing how much each candidate spent on campaign commercial spots in Milwaukee. Upon entering, we were greeted in a large lobby by the nice young lady at the front desk. They were very helpful, and more than willing to give us access to their records. Looking around the lobby, it was pretty neat seeing all the history, and awards (emmy's!) that the station had won. A helpful women escorted us to the area where we could find the public records and walked us through the process of finding the information we needed.

We were tasked with finding dollars spent by SuperPACs at WISN-TV, of which we found two: Restore our Future who backs Mitt Romney, and the Red, White and Blue fund who backed Santorum. The amounts shown spent by each detailed how much more money Romney was able to put into the election, spending nearly $200,000 at WISN-TV alone while Santorum spent just under $60,000.

The experience all in all was very beneficial and it was very neat being able to look through these public records and contracts on campaign dollars spent. We were able to also see the studios in which the news and other